In a struggling Rap/Hip-Hop scene such as Charlotte NC, I reluctantly followed a recommendation to listen to Brody & Choch; however, I’m glad I did. This duo surprised me with their throw-back style to the late 80’s early 90’s east…
Daughters of the Sun – Rings
I was a bit leery reviewing a psychedelic record, but my feelings were unfounded. Rings starts off with “Himalaya” and goes right into “Gong The Divider”. I felt drawn into it and kept listening. It didn’t really go offtrack until I got to…
Small Bones – Self Titled
This release comes to us from Plan-It-X, where they only charge $5 per CD, postage paid. The first thing I noticed was all of the packaging and CD were pink so I wasn’t raising my hopes on this being super…
The Reaction – We Have Nothing To Lose But Boredom
This album starts off with a short song, “Auto Collapse in D Minor”, that starts the record off on a good foot. Unfortunately, the momentum goes downhill from there. I tried to listen to this numerous times to see if my…
Jonesin’ – The Dream is Dead 7″
This 7″ record was my first introduction to the band Jonesin’, and I was impressed. Their sound reminded me instantly of Crimpshrine from back in the day. They have a great pop punk sound going for them and it is…
STNNNG – The Smoke of My Will
STNNNG spent roughly 4 years writing and recording their new record, Smoke of My Will. They have two previous full lengths, Dignified Sissy and Fake Fake. All are available from Modern Radio Record Label. Smoke of My Will is a…